CRank: 5Score: 20440

Platform United States Japan Total Year Over Year Change
PS2 118,000 8,975 126,975 -3.89%
Xbox360 338,000 13,529 351,529 -3.34%
PSP 119,000 233,478 352,478 -9.84%
PS3 313,000 194,794 507,794 +51.98%
Wii 557,000 164,228 721,228 +7.51%
Nintendo DS 700,000 207,801 907,801 +14.70%

Wii - 721.228
PS3 - 507.794
360 - 351.529

The Natal-camera is no were to be seen in the breakdancing-video.

Well of course.

The reason we talk about the television is because 99% of the consumers will have Natal on the television or below the television.

Also, this is what MS recommends.

5299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually he stands 1 meter away from the television. The devise (Natal) is nowhere to be seen.

5299d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"To be precise, you'll want to clear an area extending at least 4 meters (a little more than 13 feet) away from the television. That's the back edge of the space to be taken into account by the Natal sensors. In terms of width and height, the field of vision naturally expands as it moves from the Natal device to that back edge, ending up a little more than 4 meters wide and 2.7 meters high (about 8 feet, 10 inches)" )

But yes, for the games that don't require your full body you probably wont have to be 4 meters away.

In regard to th...

5299d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On a 35" screen you will effectively loose all HD picture benefits (1080P, 720P and even 480P), if you sit more then 4 meters away (13 feet).

So no, it's not the recommended viewing distance for HDTV's ;-)

And remeber, its not just 4 meters in a straight line.

80% of gamers (casual as well as hardcore) wont have that kind of room to move around in....

5299d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Almost at least:

"Some advice for any Xbox 360 owners thinking ahead to the launch of Microsoft's Project Natal later this year: You might want to see if you'll need to reconfigure your living room.
To be precise, you'll want to clear an area extending at least 4 meters (a little more than 13 feet) away from the television"

This is why i prefer the PS3 over the other consoles.

Sony takes risks. And they know how much potential the gaming-medium really has.

On one hand they push out the really big "traditional" blockbuster games like Uncharted, God of War, MAG, MGS 4, Killzone 2, InFamous, Resistance etc.

But they also support the much more artistic and adult games that evolves the entire medium. And they support the developers that dare to think outside the ...

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this will become an success.

" day, all multiplayer shooters will be made in its image."

- Eurogamer about MAG

5372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

5401d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

November 2009 Sales - Japan + USA
PS3 - 936,915
Xbox 360 - 841,387

The PS3 had a year over year rise in sales at +100.96%
The 360 had a year over year drop in sales at -4.78%

5401d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

PS3 - 936,915
Xbox 360 - 841,387

The PS3 had a year over year rise in sales at +100.96%
The 360 had a year over year drop in sales at -4.78%

5401d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment many titles at once.

GT5 and GoW3 will naturally do fine.

But with other big titles like Final Fantasy 13, Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2 and many, many more, i'm afraid that titles like White Knight, Hard Rain and MAG will end up ind the shadow...

5411d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

from article:

Last year the PS3 accounted for 38% of Konami's sales, obviously due to Metal Gear Solid 4, this year however, the PS3 accounted for only 15% of game sales trailing behind the Wii at 23%. The PSP (22%), DS (21%), and PS2 (14%) followed accordingly, and the Xbox 360 accounted for 5% of sales. Despite this, Sony still managed to account for 51% of Konami's sales.

5437d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all how do review objective?
Can you do it?

Nobody can review something objectively, because who decide what is the objective and "right" opinion?

You wrote:
"and even with differing personal opinions about certain elements of the game, there are CORE gameplay tenets that are practically universal, and govern a game's quality: controls, visuals, design, fun factor, and when applicable, story"

Who have decided that...

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reviewers are individual and subjective people who will write their own individual and personal reviews of any specific game.
That they write for the same magazine or site does not matter and does not hold them up to some kind to some kind of objective standard were all the reviewers from a specific site has to have the same taste in games.

You can only talk about inconsistently in regards to the individual reviewer.

You wrote:
"they gave Riddick ...

5476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks amazing!
Just look at the explosions and the light effects.

It's pretty bad when a "full" retail game graphicly pales in comparison to an small title like this...

Valve really need to come up with a new engine soon...

5516d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I couldn't have said it better my self.

People always seem to get this part wrong.

5516d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


Math was not yor strong side eh? ;-)

It's not nearly a 100mill difference... it's a 79mill difference. 21 million from beeing nearly anything like 100mill...

5528d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment